Sunday, October 27, 2013

Let me introduce myself...

I'm the mother of 2 grown sons, Adam, who is 30 years old and Trevor, 27 years old.  I have struck out on my own, after living with my husband for 31 years.  Armed with only the essentials and the things I love and couldn't give up, I moved into a little apartment and began the daunting task of starting a new life for myself.  It's been, often times,  scarry, lonely and very challenging, but it gets a little easier everyday.  I'm learning new ways to enjoy my time alone and I've filled my life with people I love and enjoy spending time with.  I keep myself busy and try not to think of all the hardship I'm going through.  Money is tight, so I'm always looking for ways to save.  Organization has become key.  With hardly any room to spare, I'm discovering new ways to work with my limited space.  Cooking for one is also a  learning curve for me.  After cooking for my family of 4 for years, I'm coming up with new, healthy smaller meals to make for myself.  I want to share with you my new life experiences and hopefully those who are in similar life situations will enjoy sharing your own personal experiences also.

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